Results Since 1846

Renk carries an exceptional lineup of corn, soybeans and alfalfa. Our genetics have top-of-the-line yield coupled with the best disease and pest packages on the market. We serve the Midwest and Western Plains from the Canadian border down through Kansas. 

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Corn Technologies

SmartStax® RIB Complete®

The first eight-gene insertion that gives maximum protection against insects above and below ground and also resistant to Roundup and LibertyLink® herbicide. SmartStax® gives three modes of corn borer control along with two unique modes to control corn rootworm. In addition, SmartStax® also has control of earworm, fall armyworm, western bean cutworm and black cutworm.

SmartStax® PRO

SmartStax® PRO Technology is the next generation of protection against an ongoing threat: corn rootworm. SmartStax® PRO Technology combines the proven benefits of SmartStax® Technology with an additional, unique RNAi- based mode of action — becoming the first product with three modes of action for corn rootworm control. In addition to corn rootworm, SmartStax® PRO Technology will also provide protection against above-ground pests including European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, fall armyworm, black cutworm and corn earworm.

VT Double Pro® RIB Complete

VT Double Pro® couples Roundup Ready® 2 herbicide resistance with dual modes of above ground insect protection. It provides control for corn borer, corn earworm and fall armyworm. R.I.B. stands for Refuge In the Bag. Five percent of seed in each bag contains no resistance, which meets Federal Refuge requirements. It allows you to not have to plant a separate refuge hybrid.

DroughtGard® Hybrids with VT Double Pro® RIB Complete®

Part of a system combining germplasm selected for its drought-tolerant characteristics and biotechnology trait plus agronomic recommendations. Designed so the corn plant uses less water when drought stress occurs. This hydroefficiency creates the opportunity to conserve soil moisture and can help minimize yield loss from drought conditions. Enhance yield potential when water is limited. Even when water is not scarce, the trait performs comparable to other seed technologies.

VT4PRO™ RIB Complete® Corn Blend

For farmers prioritizing performance, VT4PRO™ with RNAi Technology will be the first product from Bayer to combine the three built-in modes of action in Trecepta® Technology, an elite above-ground pest package for corn, with two below-ground modes of action including RNAi Technology — the latest defense to help manage Corn Rootworm. VT4PRO Technology is the newest product featuring the next generation of protection against Corn Rootworm.


Trecepta contains Roundup Ready® 2 technology, which allows the corn plant to withstand glyphosate herbicide applications. By reducing weed pressure, plants have access to the nutrients and water they need. Trecepta technology reduces yield loss by protecting your corn crop from a wide range of pests. Different modes of action give you more complete control against above-ground insects that can inflict serious crop damage.

Roundup Ready® Corn 2

Roundup Ready® Corn 2 offers superior in-plant tolerance to Roundup PowerMAX®, providing the grower with better crop safety and added flexibility to apply the right rate for the right weed with a wider window of application.


LibertyLink® (LL) herbicide resistance gives corn the ability to survive applications of LibertyLink® herbicide. LibertyLink® herbicide kills weeds quickly and safely with broad spectrum control of some of the toughest weeds such as Water Hemp, Velvetleaf and Ragweed.

Agrisure® GT

The Agrisure® GT trait provides excellent tolerance to in-crop applications of glyphosate-based herbicides. This hybrid is an excellent option for refuge acres in a structured refuge operation.

PowerCore® Enlist® Refuge Advanced®

PowerCore® Enlist® trait features three modes of action against above-ground insect pests for broad-spectrum and long-lasting control. Tolerance to multiple herbicides including glyphosate, glufosinate, 2,4-D choline, and FOPS gives you the flexibility in herbicide choice and management practices to help maximize yield.

Viptera® E-Z Refuge®

The Viptera® V E-Z Refuge® trait stack offers the most comprehensive above-ground insect control with multiple modes of action against key above-ground insects with the convenience of an integrated E-Z Refuge® seed blend. It is ideal for areas where Corn Rootworm management is not a primary concern. Featuring the Viptera® trait, which is the only trait available today that effectively controls Western Bean Cutworm, the Viptera® V E-Z Refuge® trait stack protects genetic yield potential.

Agrisure® Above

The Agrisure® Above trait stack offers the convenience of an integrated E-Z Refuge® seed blend plus multiple modes of action against corn borer, as well as suppression of ear feeding insects.
Soybean Technologies and Protection


XtendFlex® soybeans are the newest addition to the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System that provides triple stacked herbicide tolerance to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate. XtendFlex® soybeans allow for a wide variety of spray options including a late season application of glufosinate in those rare cases it is needed. Renk will have a limited quantity of these available for sale.

Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans

Combines tolerance to glyphosate (Roundup) and Dicamba that is labeled for over the top application to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. Provides superior weed control to all problem weeds.


Are tolerant to glyphosate (Roundup) and glufosinate (Liberty) applications. A great choice for fields with non-resistant glyphosate weeds.
Alfalfa Technologies


Reduces lignin in plant by 10-15%. This makes it more readily digestible without losing standability, compared to other alfalfas at the same maturity. Allows for wider cutting window and/or delayed cutting with increased tonnage with no loss in quality. All HarvXtra® varieties are also Roundup Ready®.

RoundupReady® Alfalfa

Roundup Ready® Alfalfa technology allows the spraying of your alfalfa with Roundup® herbicide. This delivers the weed control and ease of use you come to expect from Roundup® herbicide. This should aid in keeping your stand weed free and improving overall feed value.